Marketmy: B2B Marketing & Growth Strategies

SaaS & B2B Growth Strategy & Advisory Service

This is where it all begins, the actual start of your journey. The best thing? We've done it many times before; in fact, strategizing growth marketing for startups and B2B brands is our bread and butter; it's what we do, and we do it well.

Our ultimate goal at MarketMy (and what we strive for with every client we work wiith) is to help you scale your business, period
You can say that "Growth is our oath," Well, that's what we say here.
we've been fortunate enough to help hundreds of business, large and small, at different stages of their growth journey. we have found that there are things that work well in the B2B SaaS world and, simply, thing that don't. We love tailoring strategies specific to your business by blending our 10+ years of experience and learnings with a thorough understanding of what you do and why you do it.
There is no "one size fits all" when it comes to strategy creation and implementation, which is why we spend the time getting to know your business from the inside out.
This includes your products, your people, and your performance. Whether you are a startup or more established, changing course on your journey, creating a new strategy, tailoring it specifically to your business, and executing it flawlessly is a prerequisite for success.
There is a method to our madness here at Start Up MarketMy , and we have refined a 5-step process that we implement to achieve outstanding results for our clients time and time again.
Let's check them out.


Ok, so now you know what we do. it is time to flip it and let us start asking the questions. We want to know it all. Our aim is to find out your goals, vision, and plans for the future.

What has your journey been so far? We know that building a business can sometimes feel like a rollercoaster ride, There are high points but also low points packed with key learnings and reflections. We need to know what marketing or growth strategies you've tired, the results, successes, and failures.

Just starting up, no solid plans or experience? Perfect, We love working with a clean state and specialise in it.

What's next?

After gaining a thorough understanding of your business goals, ideas, visions, and expectations, it is our turn to dive deep.

Time for us to investigate.


Our investigation stage is a major part of the strategy development process; in fact, it's such a large part that we've broken it into smaller parts:

- Your Business: We look at the information you have given us, and then we go deeper. We look at your company as a whole, focusing on the three PS - products, people, and performance (they're back again).

  • Products: What’s your current product offering? What can we build on? What product can be refined with an improved B2B strategy?
  • People: we conduct a culture health check. Do your values align with your strategic goals? if not, this needs to change.
  • Performance: What does success look like to you? How are you measuring success? Can we better align your success matrices with your strategic vision for the future? 

-- Your competitors: We know that every business is unique, but competition can give us clues. We learn from the competition out there in the market in order to make your offers stronger, more appealing, and higher converting.

--Your marketplace: When it comes to understanding competition, it's not just your particular niche or category you serve in. What about the market as a whole? Yep, as we know (even with the likes of Covid), global events & economic factors (such as recessions) can impact your B2B SaaS business. We take all of this as a team into consideration to formulate a final strategy to propel your growth trajectory.


Bringing together all the previous moving parts into one kick-a$$ "Strategy to Scale" This is a mixture of science and art, which is why we love it.

Now, this where the fun begins.

There is no "one path." We create the most effective, results - driven strategy to enable your business to scale, not fail.

We blend a data-driven combination of cold email outreach, funnel building, media buying, and copywriting to achieve your desired result.

The best thing is there is no vagueness or hiding in the dark. Everything we do is actionable and, most importantly, measurable. In fact, we say around here that "Metrics are Our Mantra" We love a good catchprase.

We don't believe in grey areas, everything is clearly monitored and tweaked as needed to ensure growth.

This is a moving, living process that is nurtured along the way, think of growing veggies but without the slugs.


Bring on the numbers, bring on the spreadsheets, we say! All of us here at MarketMy love numbers. Why? Because, like Shakira's hips, they don't lie!
We work with you to define, redefine, measure, and implement a set of actionable goals and metrics to inform your strategic direction and, importantly, a measuring stick or guide.
Consultation with key stakeholders is essential throughout this stage so everyone is on the same page, inspired, and committed to success.
I know what you are thinking, "Can we start already," It is just about time to "flip the switch."
1,2,3 and .....


Hold on there! Before we move forward with anything,. We do final check-in. Think of this like crossing your T's and dotting your I's. This is not a sign off see ya later type of thing. We are with you every step of the way as this strategy plays out
Bring on the scale, bring on the growth. Let's do this

Frequently Asked Questions

We work with a collection of startups & B2B brands. But, we  don’t just t work any business. Times is precious, we always make sure that your business is a good fit before we move forward.

Yes, we do have a qualification process for which companies we decide to work with. we don’t disclose this particular criteria as there’s no ‘one size fits all’ when it comes to B2B brands we work with. You can learn more by getting in touch through the contact details below. We sill then jump on a call and assess your business, and see if it’s the right fit.

We can say this right now – we’re not cheap. We do custom pricing depending on the business we work with. We can say though for sure that for growth strategies, we don’t do anything less than $10K.

MarketMy is led by , a growth marketing specialist with years of experience focusing on startups & B2B brands. 

We will be looking at your existing growth marketing strategy, processes, systems, and channels to get a deep understanding of where things are performing well, and aren’t performing as well, across the whole funnel and customer journey.<br>Some businesses need particular focuses in certain channels, whilst others need a lot of help across everything. If we decide to work together, we will go through a ‘prioritisation process’ (which we do with all companies we work with) to decide on what’s most important to address. From there, we determine a roll-out plan of key initiatives and outputs to bring your strategy to life (and thriving).

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