Marketmy: B2B Marketing & Growth Strategies

SaaS & B2B Cold Email Outreach Services

Cold email outreach is a core part of what we do. Why? Because it works. In fact, we get an average open rate of around 80% and a reply rate of over 40%; you could say that cold email is our secret weapon. A weapon that is used for scale and growth and one which we are highly experienced in using.

What is Cold Email Outreach?

No, we don’t send emails during winter only; it’s not a seasonal thing. Cold email outreach is when we send an email to a potential customer that does not know us or our business.

In this case, it applies to you and your business. Think cold calling, but instead of picking up the phone, we work our magic with words.

We have proven time and time again that cold email outreach is a reliable form of marketing. It’s about getting noticed, creating relationships, and ultimately connecting you with a hyperfocused and relevant audience that buys your product.

The magic is all in words, from the subject line to the opening sentence, content, and finally, the closing few words and call to action. All have to be crafted perfectly to yield the desired result.

Let’s dive in a little further into the world of cold email outreach.

Cold Email Outreach is Not Just About Getting Attention

Time to throw ourselves in the shoes of the email receiver; let’s look at things from their point of view. Who are you to them? Nobody. Why should they even open your email? They shouldn’t, they’re too busy. And, assuming they open it, why should they read it? Think about it.

You need to give them a solid reason to read and not skip straight past your crafty piece of copy. Like many actions in the world of marketing, cold email outreach is a beautiful mix of art and science, with a handful of psychology thrown into the mix too.

Let’s dissect this whole experience step by step:

  • You need to capture the user’s attention with a strong headline
  • Then you need to get them to start reading
  • You need them to stay engaged on the page 
  • Ultimately, they need to take action and respond

To top it all off, this has to happen while they are drinking their coffee, their boss is talking to them, and their LinkedIn notifications are going off.
Also, their sweet little French bulldog is under the desk vying for their attention (pet-friendly workplace assumption made). You get the point, people are busier than ever, which makes cold email outreach more difficult, but on the flip side, more valuable.

Crafting a successful cold email is not easy; it needs to be done properly, and you need it sent by people that are highly experienced and bloody great at what they do. Well, hello there! Welcome to Growth Labz. May I tell you how we create the most incredible cold emails?

Creating The Perfect Cold Email

Ok, there is no such thing as perfect, but an average 80% open rate and 40% response rate is close to it in our eyes. So, how do we do it? Simple, bring out the pen, paper, and whiteboard. We are super hands-on old-school collaborators here at MarketMy and we like it this way. Before we even touch a computer, we brainstorm and throw ideas around the team, collect the great ideas, pick out the exceptional ones and throw the rest in the bin (recycling bin, that is). Now it is time to get nerdy.

Through years of experience in dealing with MarketMy and B2B brands, we have an extensive database of headlines, opening lines, body texts and closing texts. Cool, so what do we do with this? Well, this, ladies and gentlemen, is where our experience shines bright like a diamond (thanks, Rihanna).

Let me explain, we track and monitor the following, amongst many other key metrics:

  • Open rate and reply rate regarding specific subjects, including tests made with emoticons, capital letters, bolded text, and varied punctuation, you name it, we’ve tried it all!

  • Writing tone, text length, spacing, and content against open and reply rates too.

  • We have even gone so far as to keep a record of this in different sub-niches at different sending times, dates, and days of the week.

Yes, we love tracking everything!

To top it all off, we have collected all this statistical information, kept it up to date in a secure real-time database, and consult it before finalizing any cold email sequence.

You know how Neo consults The Oracle? Well, this database is our Oracle! (For the Matrix fans, that is). And, yes, we are data-obsessed; it gives us an edge in this game and, most importantly, gets our clients outstanding results. So, how do we measure success?

Measurement Equals Management

So how do your know that your cold email outreach campaign was a success?

It all comes back to metrics.

Metrics are the backbone to measuring the success of a cold outreach campaign.

In fact, they are non-negotiable.

As previously mentioned, some of the core metrics we track for each individual campaign are:

  • Open Rate – otherwise known as deliverability. e.g., Has this email been opened?
  • Reply Rate – very simply, have you got a reply?
  • Conversion Rate – how many of the replies convert to sales?

Every cold email outreach campaign has different goals; therefore, metrics will differ. Ultimately the key thing here is that things get measured all the time, correctly.

As the old saying goes, “What gets measured, gets managed,” we could not agree with this more.

So why do all of this, and why even use cold email outreach in the first place?

Why We Use Cold Outreach Email

Three words:

  • Targeting
  • Speed
  • Scalability

Well, there are actually many more reasons, but these are our favourites.


So much time and money are wasted in many other forms of online marketing; you get cold leads, and you access the wrong people. It happens; it’s common, but not with cold outreach emails. You are sending emails to a very specific group of people that you pre-select beforehand. It’s not a scenario of “I hope that this person could use or gain benefit from our product.” The story is a little more like this “This person can use and benefit from our product; I need to show them how and get them to believe it, so they take action.” Now, let’s explain how speed comes into play.


After you (or actually we) have done the work, investigated, consulted, and crafted the email, it’s time to send it! Now, unlike an ad on social media having to be flashed on a screen multiple times before people actually click, cold emails appear instantly in an inbox and, if written properly, command attention at that moment. Of course, unless you have an experienced company sending these emails, they will get skipped and find their way to the junk folder or recycling bin. On to scalability, one of our favourite subjects in this business.


It goes without saying email is scalable, highly scalable. With the right copy, email sequence, and targeting list, the results can be huge. You can send thousands of targeted emails at the click of a button. Another reason why cold email outreach is an essential part of our toolkit and the gateway to scalability and growth, in our eyes.


It goes without saying email is scalable, highly scalable. With the right copy, email sequence, and targeting list, the results can be huge. You can send thousands of targeted emails at the click of a button. Another reason why cold email outreach is an essential part of our toolkit and the gateway to scalability and growth, in our eyes.

Frequently Asked Questions

Absolutely it is legal to send cold emails. We do it daily and have been doing it for years.

It sure does, very successfully and especially for startups & B2B brands.

Cold emails are emails written from one person or company (sender) to another person or company (receiver) that has no knowledge or relationship with the sender. Warm emails, on the other hand, are generally emails that have been written to a person that has previously engaged with you or your company.

There are three major mistakes we see often by B2B brands that hinders the performance of there campaigns, and they are – lack of personalisation, poor segmentation, and no email warmups. All of them are critical in order to have cold email campaigns performing.

It’s important to setup the right infrastructure when it comes to successfully scaling cold email campaigns. We’re big fans of Quickmail, Mailshake and Lemlist. However, we can work with any software service if you already have the infrastructure in place.

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