Marketmy: B2B Marketing & Growth Strategies

SaaS & B2B
Copywriting Service

If there is one thing your startup or B2B brand cannot do without, it is copywriting. professional, effective copywriting that delivers outstanding result

We’ve mentioned before across our site that “not all words are created equal,” well this applies directly to copywriting.
Not all copywriting is created equal; in fact, copywriting can be the make or break of your sales funnel.
We would go as far as to say if you don’t have the correct copywriting throughout your sales funnel, you are doomed.
Concerned? You should be, well not if you work with us; luckily for you, we here at Growth Labz have perfected the “make” instead of the “break” style of copywriting.
Furthermore, we have measured, monitored, and stored statistics on hundred of funnels for hundreds of startups and B2B brands. We know what copy works and, most importantly, “why” and “how” it works.
Some call it a swipe file; we call it “The Oracle.” The best part? We consult The Oracle when crafting copy to give us the best possible historical and real-time data for what is effective and gets results.
But there is more to creating great copy than The Oracle. Let us explain our copywriting process in detail.

Our Copywriting Process in 6 Steps

We love tech, we love new and innovative software, and we love utilising it all to make life easier, more enjoyable, and more efficient.
But (and there is always a but) there is something more important than all of this combined. Something that is so simple yet so effective when it comes to generating the world’s best and most effective copywriting (in our humble opinion).
Two words…
Pen & paper.
Bringing out the pen and paper is an absolute game changer for us, but before we do, we must do the research.

1. Research

we dive deep into the depths of the internet, from social media to your site and your competitors, Amazon and Reddit; we leave no stone (or site) unturned. We dig until no more digging can be done, gaining a thorough overarching understanding of your business, your competition, and your market. Now bring on the pen and paper.

2. Pen & Paper

After we have done the groundwork, read, listened, watched, and totally immersed ourselves in your world, it is time for us to get creative. All phones get turned off, as do computer screens, laptops, and all things electronic, ensuring no distractions. Then, an abundance of paper moves to the centre of the desk, and two pens are placed beside it (one for a backup).
Now it’s go time.
We spend multiple hours of in-depth concentration conceptualising and coming up with anywhere from 20- 50 ideas, concepts, and headlines. This is called freewriting and the ultimate way to unleash effective creativity.
We then create 4-5 sets of body copy throughout the coming days. All up, it takes around a week or so to get to a stage where we are happy to send it off for editing.
Then it comes down to the world of editing.

3. Editing

I’m eternally grateful for two things editing-related. One, we have an incredible editing team who live and breathe all things editing, and two, they can read our writing! The latter can be a challenge.
Editing takes anywhere between 24 – 48 hours, and then the text comes back into our hands, refined, formatted, and tightened up. Ahh, bliss.
The next step is to revisit with fresh eyes.

4. Fresh Perspective

We love it when the edited work arrives back; it truly is a beautiful thing. Irrelevant of when it arrives, we like to wait around 24- 48 hours before looking at it to enable us to approach it with a fresh perspective.

We now review the edited text and round things down to 5-10 key headlines and 1-2 pieces of body or long-form copy. Plus, you will generally find us crossing out and adding things when needed to be ready to rewrite it all again.

5. Re-write

Time to do it all again, but with slightly more refinement, shall we say. After we have tweaked and re-written the headline and copy we send this off to our editing team again to get things sorted. #couldnotdoitwithoutthem
Ok, we are nearly at completion.

6. The Grand Finale

Once the edited product comes back, we make sure that we wait around 24-48 hours to go back over it with fresh eyes. (it’s all about fresh eyes).

In total, from start to finish, this entire process takes around two weeks until we have created something awesome for our clients. We are happy when you are, and that is when everything is on-brand, relevant, and effective and will achieve solid revenue and growth for your startup or B2B brand. All in all, this is a very intensive, time-consuming process, but we love it, and most importantly, it gets outstanding results for our clients time and time again. Copywriting for startups & B2B brands is a beautiful mix of art and science and, when done correctly, produces outstanding results. We’d love the opportunity to discuss your copywriting needs with you; drop us a line at ….

Frequently Asked Questions

A copywriter brainstorms, creates concepts and uses words to explain, convey, and ultimately activate a customer i.e., a sale or a signup.

We are happy to provide you with examples of our past work. Please contact us below.

Put it this way, it isn’t easy, but like everything in life, the more you do it, the easier it becomes. It takes hard work, long hours, experimentation, and serious dedication. We believe a great copywriter has to love what they do ( and enjoy coffee, lots of coffee) to be great at it.

We specialise in copywriting for startups and B2B brands across all channels and collateral (social media, landing pages, etc), and this has been our focus for years. It is what we specialise in MarketMy

We’re a bit ‘old school’, but it’s how we produce our best copy – pen and paper! Yep, we’re serious. We locked ourselves away to put in the time to create our best work. Naturally, we do use editing tools such as Grammarly and Hemingway to ensure grammar is top notch.

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